The Vauxhall City Farm Appeal

Our new video shows Vauxhall City Farm’s triumphant return to the Lambeth Country Show after two years of lockdowns. Though we are proud to have made it through such difficult times, we still face many challenges. Our farm costs £60,000 a month to run, and, with energy and animal feed prices rising, our day-to-day costs are becoming prohibitive. As a small, independent charity, we are responsible for raising all our own funds, and it is only through the generosity of our supporters that we can ensure our continued survival.

These last two years have proved challenging for us all, and Vauxhall City Farm, like many small charities, has faced moments of devastating uncertainty. Like you, we have adapted, adjusted, and survived, but it is your support that has enabled us to do this successfully, which is why we are turning to you once more and asking you to donate to the Vauxhall City Farm Appeal.

We desperately need to raise money to make sure we can keep providing the essential services we do, and we need your help to do so.

Any contribution will help ensure that Vauxhall City Farm remains open as a needed space for our community to re-connect, get outdoors and access therapeutic, educational and support programmes.

Please click here to visit our GoFundMe page, find more about our appeal and make a donation.

Our new video is available to view directly on YouTube by clicking here, and please feel free to share far and wide!

If you have any questions, please click here to email our Marketing Team.

Thank you, as always, for your continued support.

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