
Between 1972 and 1976 large-scale demolition of buildings was taking place in the area and local residents protested by setting up the North Lambeth Neighbourhood Council (NLNC). The NLNC encouraged people to take responsibility for their area and community and youth projects began springing up on unused land in and around Vauxhall.

By 1976, a group of architects were squatting at St Oswald’s Place and began working on a small vacant plot. Jubilee City Farm (as it was then known) was born! It was a collaborative project with local residents growing vegetables, providing for themselves and caring for livestock.

In 1977 Vauxhall City Farm registered as a charity in Lambeth.

Since then, the farm has grown but it still relies on the commitment and enthusiasm of volunteers and still encourages the community to come together, to create something amazing.

Today, the farm is home to over 100 animals, a riding centre, dozens of education and youth projects, a cafe and so much more.

We’re very proud of our history but even more excited about the future! We hope you’ll be part of it… We love seeing old photos, or seeing how the farm used to be. If you remember the farm from years ago then please Contact us and share some of your memories.

Visit our Facebook page for more photographs

Please consider donating to the farm’s upkeep and ability to deliver its services. We can’t do what we do, without you!

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