Support the Farm – Come and visit

November Update: As of 00:01 November 5th the UK is in a second nationwide lockdown, and Vauxhall City Farm will be closed until further notice in line with government rules

We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has supported the farm since we’ve had to shut our gates to the public at the beginning of this year.

With your help, we have raised over £200,000 on our appeal to Save Vauxhall City Farm.

Opening the farm at the end of July was only possible because of your ongoing support: to keep us open and delivering services, as well as providing opportunities for young people, families, and residents.

Your support has already helped us make a tangible difference.

In the midst of everything, we ensured this summer was memorable, fun, and engaging for over 30 local children and young people. Through the Lambeth and Southwark Summer of Food & Fun, we provided nutritious meals, outdoor education, and enriching activities every Wednesday and Thursday during the holidays.

Now the summer programme is over, the farm and cafe return to usual opening days, with adjusted hours, 10.30am – 3.30pm, Tuesday – Sunday.

Opening the farm 6 days a week is fantastic and something we’ve been looking forward to all summer! However, it does come at a price.

We’ve taken time and the utmost care to ensure everyone is, and feels, safe when visiting. The adjusted opening hours allow us to disinfect the entire farm between each day we’re open to the public. All facilities are regularly cleaned throughout the day, and we ensure staff will always be on hand to supervise and support you throughout your visit.

All of this incurs extra cost. As such, we still rely on donations to replace income lost from closure, and from running reduced services through the rest of the year. Please help us Save Vauxhall City Farm by spreading the word:

Vauxhall City Farm is open to visitors, Tuesday – Sunday, 10.30am – 3.30pm

Donations at the door or online, are sorely needed to help us safeguard the future of the farm.

Upon arrival, please do be patient and understanding of the measures we must adhere to, collectively, to keep everyone safe. Head over to our Re-opening Announcement and our COVID Frequently Asked Questions section for more details.

And, if you are unable to visit, but don’t want to miss out on the fabulous farm fun, we suggest you head over to Vauxhall City Farm TV where we’ll be releasing two new videos about the farm and its animals every Thursday!

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