Give the gift of Regular Giving

Vauxhall City Farm has to meet steep and non-negotiable running costs of a working farmyard and stables every month. Donations we receive from individuals are vital in helping us meet this cost, helping us maintain the welfare of our animals, and keep the Farm open and free-of-charge for all to visit.

For those wishing to support Vauxhall City Farm’s charitable mission, there’s no better way than through regular giving!

What is Regular Giving? 

When you choose to make a donation to our charity you are given the option to make a One-Time donation or a Monthly donation. Choosing to make a monthly donation is Regular Giving.

Simple as that! 

What are the benefits for you? 

A monthly gift allows you to support the Farm while spreading the financial impact of your giving across the entire year. Rather than donating £60, you can choose to donate £5 monthly for the year, lessening the immediate financial impact to your bank account.

This makes supporting our charity more manageable for you.

What are the benefits for us? 

By choosing to make a monthly donation you help us to think ahead, make long-term plans for programmes, animal acquisitions, and improvements across the whole farm, because we know we’re going to have a steady regular income we can rely on. 

Why is Regular Giving so important? 

Regular giving, even just the price of your favourite coffee, donated to the Farm each month, significantly contributes to the vital work of Vauxhall City Farm. It allows us to better forecast and plan, knowing we can count on your support in helping keep the lights on. This means we can spend more time focusing on supporting young people, families and all residents in our community.

If that’s not enough, our own research finds that regular giving also has a much higher Gift Aid opt-in, meaning we can add an extra 25% of all UK taxpayers’ donations, at no extra cost to you! Read the Gift Aid declaration to see whether you qualify. 


Give the gift of regular giving here.

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