Matthew Macpherson

Matthew Macpherson is a 20 year old student, originally from Hong Kong.

While photography has always been a hobby of his, in Summer 2018 he started putting more focus on this hobby and is currently doing it as a side job, to help fund his degree in engineering at the University of Portsmouth.

Matthew and his mates enjoy coming to the farm whenever they have free time, “because it’s amazing to see animals in the middle of London. And it helps with de-stressing when there is a lot of uni work to do!”

What inspires Matthew about Vauxhall City Farm is “Seeing how happy everyone is when interacting with the animals, and how hardworking the staff are.”

While he enjoys animals – he has lost his heart to “the goats for sure!” – it’s actually people that are his favourite subject to photograph. Alongside this, Matthew also enjoys street photography.

Though honestly, he says, “I will photograph anything! I never leave my house without my camera.”

Matthew uses a Canon 5D Mark IV.

For the photographs featured here, Matthew used a Canon 35mm f/2 IS USM Lens.

You can find more of Matthew’s work on his instagram (@Shuttermac_)

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