Jenny – December 2020

Guess who’s back? Back again… (December 2020)

That’s right, we’re back!

Back open to the public, that is.

We couldn’t be more excited about re-opening, and we hope that you are, too!

We’re especially excited because re-opening during December allows us to welcome visitors back on site for a few weeks, before the start of the Christmas and New Year period. Please head over to our website to read all the details about when the farm will and won’t be open over the festive period, as well as when we will reopen in January 2021.

We hope to see lots of you visiting the farm over the coming weeks!

Before I go on, the pesky fundraiser at the Farm is making me stress that your visit to the Farm not only brings smiles to our faces but helps us to meet the, often steep and non-negotiable, running costs of a working farmyard. We’d also like to take this time to thank everyone who has donated to support the Farm, alongside thousands who have helped in a myriad creative other ways!

We do, however, still need to keep doing all we can to raise funds that support core operations at the Farm and will save us from closure. The next year brings further uncertainty and each and every donation and action of support is vital in providing security for the Farm, whilst we work hard to resume generating income on-site. We know you’ll be here with us through this. Thank you.

The other reason this is great timing, is because I am leaving the farm on the 14th December, and I had been worried that I wouldn’t be able to say goodbye to all the lovely people that have become my friends over the years.

After losing my brother and best friend Edward I stayed at the farm, where I had lived all of my life, thinking that I would be okay without him. And for a while, I was. My humans made sure to give me all the extra care, attention, and cuddles that they were able to. However the time has come to move on to pastures new!

While I will miss my London home, I am very excited to be moving to a place with lots of other Kune Kune pigs! I will try and send updates when I can, if I’m not too busy having fun in my new home in Gloucestershire…. but please know, that I will miss each and every one of you!

Vauxhall City Farm After School Club 2021 will be delivering tuition in English to pupils aged 8 – 12 years old. Tuition is delivered by inspirational volunteer tutors, at the farm and online.

Starting Mid-January 2021

Register your interest now

We’d like to thank Walcot Foundation and Sir John Cass Foundation. Without them, and their patience around COVID-19 disruptions, we wouldn’t be able to offer this vital and cherished support for many local households.

The Farm’s AGM took place on the 25th of  November. Trustees stood down and the following were reelected to the board:

Faith Boardman – Chair

Alison Ewen – Vice Chair

Stuart Peel – Treasurer

Amilia Rappak – Company Secretary

Samantha Norman – Trustee

Nigel Campbell – Trustee

Glen Walker – Trustee

Alison Mohammed – Trustee

The annual report and accounts for 2019/20 were approved. 

We are very excited to welcome new members of staff to the team:

Alicia Casey, PA/Administrator 

No task too small, no problem too big!

Stanford Manduna, Finance Manager

Primed and ready to wrangle the books! 

Gabriele Deiana, Operations Manager

Excited to tackle just about anything that may arise, now and in the future! 

David Saunders, Volunteer Coordinator Knowns volunteers are priceless and need to be treated as such! 

And that is all she wrote…

Please come and see me this week and please continue supporting Vauxhall City Farm in my absence. It has been home to me and many other animals over many years, and now they are making sure that I am well looked after for the rest of my life, and all I wish is for you to make sure, that the farm is well looked after for the rest of its life, too.

Have a great future. I know I will.

All my love

Jenny the Pig

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